Thursday, August 22, 2013

Senior Pictures in Castle Rock, CO

I have very exciting news... my whole life I have waited for this day.  Thinking about what it will be like, will I be chosen, how long will it last???? 20 some years I have been waiting for my turn and yesterday it finally happened!!!  I was so excited, I did a little happy dance right here in the kitchen! I had to have Rod open the envelope for me because I was shaking with excitement and was afraid I would rip it!!!  October 1st!!! It's marked on my calendar with smiley face and all!!
 Finally!!!  I have been called for Jury Duty!!!!  I am thinking about getting a new outfit, but first I am going to google what to wear because I want to up my chances of actually being picked for the jury... I would be just sick if a red scarf said "not trustworthy!"  
 Don't worry, I was scheduled to take Darcie's photos that day, but she graciously let me reschedule her appointment.   Oh my goodness this is so exciting!
 Ryan, forgive me...  I just can't help myself!
Now, on to my shoot with Ryan.  
 Ryan is the youngest son of my former boss... Dean (Jackie Chan for those of you that faithfully follow my blog, thanks mom!)  He is graduating from Cherry Creek High School.
 But in all our chatting, I don't think we discussed his after high school plans, sometimes there are just too many other things to talk about!
I can tell you this, it is a wee bit odd to take a picture of someone and see someone else staring back at you.  While I think Ryan looks more like his mom than Dean, there is definitely some "Dean-isms".  Makes me miss the day of AKI, seems like a lifetime ago.  The Lord has truly blessed me when it comes to work, 21 years with Dean and now my own business doing what I love.  Priceless!
I am off to get my cherubs!

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