Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Castle Rock Colorado Photographer

 I work very hard to capture a photo that needs little editing but sometimes editing software comes in handy! In this first image, I lost the sky when exposing the family correctly. So I just took a second image of the sky properly exposed and merged the two images. 

The post helped keep the light from coming directly in my lens but the photo is so much better with out it!
Client was hoping for more fall color, I was happy to oblige.
I didn't want to blow out the details on the grasses, so adding a little brightness in edit was just what I needed.
Oh the wind!! Fixed the front of her dress, removed the one way sign and added back in the sky.

Add some warmth please...

This sweet girl wanted her binki, so we let her have it.
Added some warmth, removed hair fly-ways and smoothed her dress.
So cold and everyone was ready to go home! A little head swapping was in order!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Lifestyle In Home Newborn Photographer in Castle Rock, Co

 On Monday, I got to meet Cora. She is 1 month old! She was also 1 month early! 
My newborn shoots are done at home and focus on simple and beautiful images of mom and dad with their new baby. 
Things I learn on this shoot:
They have a beautiful malamute named Heidi, who has a lovely singing voice but it a bit shy. 
There is another dog, but he or she is not visitor friend so they sent time in the basement. 
Olivia is huge fan of horror movies and actually has a collection of horror themed candles, which are displayed and not burned. 
She is also a Disney fan and looks forward to taking Cora to Disneyland/world, when she is old enough to remember and appreciate it. 
Cody is killing it in the dad department, had mom's back, changed a diaper, made a bottle, happily took on baby soothing, and was super comfortable with all the things baby. 
Super happy for this new party of 3!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Castle Rock Family Photographer

My last official shoot of 2024! It's been a great year and I am so thankful to each and every person that trusted me with their photos. I have done several shoots with Lisa and her family and it is such a blessing when families come back for another round of photos. It's even more fun when you get to call your client, friend! I have known Lisa for over 17 years now. We first met when she did occupational therapy with my youngest. Over the years our paths crossed again at photo shoots and Bible studies. Now we attend the same church and serve together in the women's ministry. 


Friday, December 6, 2024

Castle Rock Maternity Photographer

 Just poppin' in for a quick look at my shoot with Cody and Olivia. Mostly cause I know hard it can be to wait!! And she is already waiting on this baby, there's no reason to make her wait for her pictures too! We had a gorgeous day (we all know how much I like the sunshine for photos)!! But it is taking forever for this snow to move it on out of here! When was that big snow? Like 3 weeks ago, right? The trials are a wee bit muddy and snow packed in other area, so I was a bit worried about Olivia's shoe, but we made it nice little area with relatively dry ground and it worked out just fine (I, however, almost lost my shoe in the snow! and no, I was not wearing flip-flops!)

Baby is due the end of January!!!