Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Castle Rock Senior Photographer

 When I first started doing photography, I dreamed of specializing in 6-9 month old babies. Today? I aspire to specialize in senior guys! I just love these shoots. Brady made me so happy when he brought five different outfits, that is my one complaint about the boys - they don't bring enough outfits! This shoot with Brady was really fun, minus the grasshoppers and the mosquitos, but otherwise it was fantastic. I was so into the shoot, we didn't really get a chance to chat, so I am not sure what Brady plans to do after graduation, but I am sure it will be amazing. Thanks Brady, for an awesome Monday night!! And have a super senior year!! 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Castle Rock Senior Photographer

This past Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking Addison's senior photos. She is 2025 senior at Colorado Early Collages and plays center on DOUGLAS COUNTY's flag football team. She hopes to pursue a career  in teaching and coaching. This coming Thursday, I will be taking picture of her twin sister. Having twins myself I am excited to see the similarities and differences these two have!!  Wishing you a fantastic senior year, Addison!! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Castle Rock Photographer

 I am convinced that an accurate weather app does not exist, because all 3 of the apps I have on my phone said that there was 0% chance of rain during this shoot. WRONG! It totally rained on two separate occasions, but we were able to wait it out and finish our shoot. I am sure you recognize this family! I have been photographing them since Kerri was pregnant with Emily! Year after year they come back and have become very special to me. Kerri wanted flowers, so we went to South Glenn, they always have the prettiest flowers!! And of course, the amazing fountain! (we even recreated a picture I talk of Emily when she was 6 or 9 months old, I can't remember which) It was a fun night and a fun shoot! 
Thanks Kerri, Emily and Nolan!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Castle Rock Photographer

 I have been a Castle Rock photographer closing in on 20 years now and the first time I worked with this family Blake (the youngest )was maybe two. Having families that return year after year is by far my favorite part of being a photographer. I have had the privilege of not only doing family photography with this family but also, children's photography, boudoir photography and senior pictures for their oldest a couple of years ago. Next summer, we will be doing Campbell's senior pictures which is sure to be a whole lot of fun. 

Originally, we met a week ago at a different location but we got rained out and had to reschedule. I had a good long talk with myself that night. The original location has an old house, something that tends to be popular with many people having their photos taken. But the truth is lightening is the most important part of creating a beautiful image. I suggested that we switch locations to something with more trees which helped to create the beautiful filtered light that you will see in this shoot. I absolutely LOVE these photos, they perfectly reflect my style of thoughtful family connections accented by sunlit backgrounds to highlight the ones being photographed. 

Thank you, Julie for trusting me with your photos, your location and backgrounds!!  I hope you love these images as much as I do!