The Lord has blessed me with 3 beautiful little girls, all of whom are CRAZY about their dad!! I keep thinking, maybe we should have just one more in hopes of having that little boy that will be CRAZY about me! Hmmm.... really? Nah... nevermind! I'm not sure I am up for those sleepless nights anymore! Boys are always fun to photograph, and Austin was no exception. The crazy weather in Colorado threatened to ruin our fun, but the clouds parted just long enough to get our shoot done with out getting wet! Outdoor photography can have it's set of challenges when you factor in "mother nature" but the natural lighting and beauty is always worth the trouble. It's funny because as I am typing this, it is POURING outside, so Chad and I will have to meet another time! Check back to see what Chad and I came up with... we are going to try again on Monday. I must run for now, good friends, family and BBQ ribs await! Glad I'm not the one grillin'!