Monday, April 30, 2012

Senior Pictures Castle Rock CO

 Well, it's Monday... again!  Pretty nice day so far, quick visit to see Dr. Clint at the Chiropractor's office, then Starbucks with Talia and then it was home, there was much work to be done.  This is a sneak peek of Nick.  Let's see, I first met Nick when he was 7ish I would guess and I haven't seen him for quite some time, I was very surprised to see how grown up he is!

 Nick is actually graduating in May 2012 and will be attending Northwest Nazarene University in the fall to study engineering.  His dream is to be part of the space program and he has a specific interest in the Orion Project;  which apparently has to do with Mars and figuring out how to get off of it once you have landed on it.  The problem being that Mars has an atmosphere... of course, I can see how that would be a problem, and it's nice to know that there are people like Nick out there who intend to fix these issues. 

For those of you, who have been tracking the accident, I got a car on Saturday!  I am very excited to have that process behind us.  We took the opportunity to name all 3 of our vehicles,  my new car is "Lola", Rod's is "Spartacus" (he was a little ify on our decision, but he lives with 4 girls so he finally caved to the pressure) and the bug well, we are thinking "Gus Gus" or maybe "Crush", 
not quite sure which one will stick.  
Well, the girlies will be home any minute and I have a few more photos to finish up before they arrive!
Until next time! Cija

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Children's Photographer in Parker, Co

 I bet you recognize this handsome boy!  Tyler and I met up for his 1 Year shoot!!!  Pretty exciting if you ask me!  He did an excellent job, he was certainly on the move and if we let him, I do believe he would have jumped head first into that pond!  
 Just look at him eyeing it!!!
Oh my goodness!  I just love the way he was sitting on this chair!  
Cracks me up even now when I look at it!!

I had a super fun time with Tyler and I can't wait to do his older brother, Tristan's 3 year old shoot!!
Whoa... I think we are about to get dumped on!!!  YEP!  here it comes!!!
In my younger years, heavy rain like this would have beckoned me outside to splash around like a crazy person!  But I think... I will restrain myself!
Tomorrow, I have a Boudoir shoot in the morning (yippee!!!  so much fun! and I just found out I get to go with my boudoir buddy TINA!) and then in the afternoon I will be with Nic for Senior pictures.  Sounds like a pretty fun day to me!
Now... I am off to make dinner!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Newborn Photographer in Parker, CO

Allow me to introduce... Presley!  Oh my goodness, isn't she just this sweetest little thing you have ever seen!  I mean seriously!
 And can we talk about this hat!!!  Go Mama!  
Yep, this little Hershey's Kiss hat is purdy darn cute too!

LOOK! at that FACE!  LOVE!!!

Oh, I do love all this babies!!!  But I am also very exciting for excited for summer and the 2013 Seniors!!  If you have any Seniors in your life I would just love if you would sent them my way!!!
Okay, back to work for me!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby Photography in Parker, CO

 Okay, just a head's up... I can't linger today, I have a very handsome boy waiting for me at the park, but I wanted to get Liberty's sneak peek up this morning so I can get Presley's up this afternoon and Tyler's up tomorrow!  Phew!!  So many cute little babies!!

Liberty is 9 months old and showing off her very impressive standing up skills!  She is such a sweet little girl, she has never fussed a bit at any of her shoots (even the freezing cold one in the fall!!).  She is just precious and it's true I started hitting mom up to find out when little Liberty can be expecting a little brother or sister, with kids this cute they need to just keep on having 'em!

Okay, I have to run!  (Oh by the way, for those of you following the accident... my car was totaled, let the shopping for a new one begin!)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Photographer in Parker, CO

Happy Monday!  Last night when I went to bed, I thought... "I wish it could be Sunday forever!"  
I love Sundays, church in the morning, lunch out as a family and then just relaxing for the rest of the day, it really is the perfect day.
But on Friday, I got to hang out with my buddy, Oliver.  It's hard to believe we are already on his 4th photoshoot!! Only one more to go and he will be 1 year old!  Say it isn't so!!
 The picture above was our first of the day...  he was not to sure about this whole photo shoot thing, but it didn't take long and he warmed up!!  Lots of fun and cuteness!
Don't you just love his sense of style!!!  He must have a very good stylist!  Ya know, that's what I need... a stylist! and a housekeeper... and an endless supply of hair bands (we go through a lot of hair bands at the Cooksey house).   
 Do you remember when you were in high school and everyone had have the same type of shoes, when I was in school it was duct shoes and penny loafers with Izod or Polo shirts.  And if you weren't like everyone else then there was something wrong with you. 
After reading some articles this morning about photography, I have found that not much has changed.  I gotta say the nasty little habit of comparing ourselves is exhausting!  And quite frankly, it takes the color and favor out of life.  We are all different, all unique and all have our own in which we see the world...
 So I am starting a new national holiday!  Today is National Be Yourself Day!!!
Don't do something because that is the way everyone else does it, do something because you LOVE it and then enjoy it!
Have a great week!!  Two babies today, so I am outta here!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Castle Rock, CO Photographer

Yep... it's Clark!!  11 months old!  Isn't he looking sharp in his Easter outfit?  Very handsome indeed!
Clark and I have been meeting monthly since he turned 6 months old and I just don't know what I am going to do with myself when he switches to quarterly shoots!

 I think maybe Clark surprised himself with this no hands pose!  He was so interested in his rock I don't think he realized that he was standing with no hands!!  WooHoo!!!  Way to go Clark!  It won't be long and he will be walking!
 Okay, I think the two below are my faves of the day...  oh that sweet little face!  
Just makes my heart melt!

Well, I'm not going to linger, it's 5:00PM on a Friday for pete's sake, I need to get this weekend started!  I hope your's is filled with lots of fun and laughter! Cija

Monday, April 16, 2012

Children's Photographer in Castle Rock, CO

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was full of celebration!  We had some friends over to celebrate with us on Melia's birthday (we will be celebrating with my family in a few weeks, when my parents are feeling a bit better from their car accident). 
Yesterday was a day of much needed rest.  We went to church in the morning but spent the afternoon curled up on the couch with a blanket watching the snow fall, there was some pretty entertaining weather this weekend!  I love snow with thunder and lightening... I picture God saying "Hey!  Watch this!"  There were other times this weekend that I felt His personal touch and care for me this weekend and I am always amazed at a Sovereign God's tender love for me. 

 On Friday, I was with some of my favorite people.  There are some clients that allow me to crawl into their lives and make me feel like more like a friend than a photographer.  Chris, is one of those people...  she wrapped her arms around me, much like she is in the picture below with her little girl and it made me love her all the more.  

 In all our shoots together, this was the first time I was able to meet Chris's Prince Charming.  Don't they make for a beautiful family?
 I think the picture above of Ayla will win my "FAVE of the Day" I just love it... it's the sort of picture that brings imagination and stories to life.  I mean, just what is she watching over?"
 Aidan and I were having a little "contest"... oh, I'll never tell!!  LOVE that smile though!
Spring is in the air!!

This morning has been a thoughtful morning for me...  perhaps someone else needs to here message this morning.  Enjoy. Cija