Happy Monday, everyone! I hear it's going to be a beautiful day outside!!
Ah… happy memories. My mom used to kidnap me from school! My dad would drop me off on one side of the building and my mom would be waiting on the other side to kidnap me for the day. We would shop, go out for lunch and spend the whole day together. I highly recommend kidnapping someone! It's super fun.

So on Saturday afternoon, after spending the morning at the Rockie's Fest (which by the way… I DID NOT see Dinger AGAIN! That is one elusive dinosaur!!!) I joined up with Marty, Brenda and Siena for some family pictures. Referred by my wonderful friends the Lyon's family!! Thanks Geoff and Trisha! I love you guys!!

Although it was cloudy, it wasn't too cold AND we still had some snow to play with!! Which in my opinion is pretty perfect! and look at those sassy fuchsia boots! I could really rock a pair of fuchsia boots with my owl mittens, oh yes, I could!!
Ah… what a couple of beautiful blondes! I may have been coveting the hair just a wee bit!
Siena, was a real joy to work with! Such a happy girl!
And look at that beautiful smile!
Love this picture of Marty and Brenda! Love love love!
And I am always a sucker for the daddy/daughter photo, just look at the way she is looking at her daddy. Just precious!
I really do have the very best job! I get to meet and work with so many awesome people!
And I hope this shoot was a bit less traumatic than Siena's newborn shoot!! And will help to inspire some more frequent photographs! ; )
Okay, time to start school for the day!! Have a great day!
Don't forget to book your boudoir shoot, time is running out for Valentine's day!