This Colorado weather never disappoints! As I type this it is snowing with a couple of inches on the ground. On Tuesday, when this shoot was done, we were worried about rain.

We talked about a reschedule but decided in the end to just go for it. But in Castle Rock, it started snowing... HARD! They were already on their way so... we were pressing on. In Castle Pines it was raining, but 10 minutes into the shoot the rain stopped and we were able to finish the shoot minus the umbrellas!
I have had the pleasure of taking Jenna's family photo for a few years now, but this time it was her whole family!
Her brother, Donald and his family and
her brother, Christopher and wife, Talia (baby to arrive end of May!)
The kids! The boy or "The Best One" (that is what he said to call him), Murray (not sure I got that spelling right but it is pronounce Mur-Ray), Ashlyn, Cynthia & Peyton
And of course, where it all started... mom and dad, Sharon and Don.
Loved this photo of Talia and Christopher... I had to sneak it in!
I am very excited for the upcoming photography season and hope to see you very soon on the other side of my lens!
Don't forget to tell the 2017 seniors in your life to give me a call!!! High school seniors are my FAVORITE!!
Until next time! Cija