One of my absolute favorite families! I met Molly when I did Keeley's newborn pictures (Keeley is the older of the two girls) and I have had so much fun watching these sweet girls grow up.

Kensy had her own ideas when it came to the outfit she wanted to wear, there would be no matching dresses for her! But I have to agree that top is pretty cute!
Some might see the shoes kicked off in this photo as a photography fail, but I love it! These little things will bring the memories flooding back after the years have washed parts of them away.
Sweetest faces ever!!! and look at all those missing teeth!!
Family pictures should always be fun and focus on capturing right where you are in life!
Like the princess crown and lip gloss stage!!
This picture of Molly and girls brings me right to the edge of tears. I remember not too long ago being surrounded by little girls of my own covered with plastic crowns and necklaces.
Every single day is worth being cherished!!
Thanks Nick & Molly!