Ummm... what is with the freezing cold wind out there today??? All this super nice weather in February has turned me into a wimp!

But before the weather went all frozen tundra on us, I enjoyed a positively lovely afternoon with Brad and Laura who are expecting a bouncing baby boy in April!

I remember being pregnant with my first baby like it was yesterday. Every shopping trip included a trip to the baby department. Tiny clothes, bottles, blankets, everything soft. It was awesome!!
What an exciting time in the life of a couple. I am so happy for these two and can't wait to meet their little one!
Okay, enough of me getting all sentimental!!
I will leave you be to just enjoy the pictures.
(You should, however, know, that my little loves are upstairs in the Ryanne's room, karaoke machine on full blast, singing Christmas songs!! )
Ah! Life is good!
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