This beautiful girl is my neighbor, Emily. We have been neighbors for the past 14 years. My girls and Emily have many shared memories of playing together while growing up. So it was fun to be able to take these photos for her and see her in her element with her horse, China.
I met Emily at the barn where she keeps her horse, and it just so happened there was this really spiffy truck that we were able to use. Bonus!
In addition to all that, I got to ride around on this fun little contraption! Actually, there were several rides on two different deely-mah-bobs.

I certainly had two beautiful models!
and a really great assistant! Thanks for helping me, Amity!
Apparently, China was being a bit ornery... it was speculated that the change in weather may have contributed.
In all the excitement, we never got a chance to discuss her plans for next year but I want to wish her all the best in whatever, she decides to do!
Thank you so much, for having me take these photos for you!
I had a really great time!
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