Ya know what I love about belly shots?!?!? Newborn shots are just a few weeks away! Chris and Cathy are waiting until the baby is born to find out what they are having, in fact they waited with all three of their kids. How in the world do they do that??? So what do you think? A boy or a girl? Hmmm... I think it's girl, she is just to tiny to have a big strappin' boy in there right!?!?! Well... you will have to check back in January to find out. Cathy is taking advantage of the New & Growing Wishes package which will give her pictures not only at one week old but at 3, 6, 9 & 12 months!! To get more information, see my website at http://www.3wishesphotography.com/. Well, I am off, it's date night with the hubby! TTFN Cija