Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure and honor of photographing, Joshua. While visiting with his parents I offered to take a few photos for them. It may seem unusual to photograph a child who's in the hospital, but I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ plans to heal this little boy in a way that will touch many lives and these pictures will serve as a reminder of the great work that he did in Joshua's life.
On March 30
th, Joshua fell 25 ft from his bedroom window to the driveway below, the first miracle was that Joshua survived his fall, the second, that he did not land on his head first and the third miracle is that other than a skull
fracture he suffered no other broken bones!
The photo above is probably my favorite, Joshua woke while I was there and was fighting against the vent and starting to cry. His mommy stepped in, took his hand in hers, laid her other hand over his body and comforted him with her words. It was such an example of God's love for us, often times I find myself fighting against the things that are meant to help me, but the Lord in His great love and faithfulness is always there to comfort me with His words.
Joshua is recovering from several internal injuries, he was bleeding from his spleen that resulted in the need for a blood transfusion (his spleen seems to be clotting now, Praise God!), his lungs are bruised, he has some damage to his liver and
pancreas, he was leaking spinal fluid from his ear (which has stopped, Praise God!) and
among other things is most recently dealing with pneumonia.
During my visit, his mom mentioned that they had to stop his feedings for awhile because his belly was becoming quite distended, but overall he had a peaceful Easter. His color was good and he was resting and breathing easier.
Joshua's mom, dad and sister Bailey (3 years old) are staying at the hospital around the clock so that they can be there for Joshua at all times. In addition to praying for Joshua I would ask that you would pray for little Bailey too. Bailey actually witnessed the fall and is also receiving some help at the hospital to deal with what she saw.
I posted these pictures with the permission of the family and ask that you would join me and the many others that are praying for Joshua and his family.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Once again I come to you on behalf of Joshua and his family, I pray that you would continue to pour out miracles in this little boys life. We are all so grateful for the way you have protected him so far, the outcome of his fall should have been so much worse. Lord, I pray that you would heal him in a way that will bring You the most glory, and that through this tragedy many will have the opportunity to see You up close. I pray that you would strengthen Justan and Stephani as well as the grandparents, give them courage, rest and peace along this journey. Draw them close to You and comfort them under Your wing. Lord, I also ask that you would be with Bailey, I pray that you would wash over her heart and mind and help her to be able to let go of the frightening images in her memory of this fall. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, and to You be all the glory and honor forever. Amen.