Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Baby Photographer in Castle Rock, CO

So welcome to Cija's wonderful world of Fall and the super short blog entries.  I know you miss my rambling on but it will have to wait till 2012, but for now the goal is to be in bed before tomorrow and I will be victorious!!! 
So... let's get to the reason I am here!  This is Alessia... have you fallen in love?  Aimee walked by and said "Wow... what a beautiful baby!" and I must agree.  Those dreamy eyes and pouting lips... just beautiful!  Her mom and dad were there too, but Alessia was the center of attention!!  I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek!
So the date for the Halloween Photo Day has been set.  Saturday, October 22nd from Noon to 4:00 PM, if you need or want more info leave me a comment here on the blog or shoot me an email!!  Until tomorrow, actually probably Friday! Cija

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cija – these pictures are amazing, thank you so much!!!! Jasmin