Every once in a while you run across something too good to keep to yourself. Today, was such a day. The girls and I had been out hitting the stores in search of blankets and such for my photoshoots. It was mid afternoon, moods were stating to fade to blue, when we found ourselves walking down "Main Street" in Parker. As we neared the end of the street, I spotted a cupcake sign. Now I am not a huge fan of cupcakes, I have tried my fair share mind you, because of their cuteness and decorative flair, but am always left somewhat unimpressed. But it was hot, and I had 3 tired little girls who deserved a little bright spot in their day, so we ventured into
Nomelie Cupcakes.
It was a quaint little place with weathered wooden tables and touch of Paris flair. In the case was a lovely display of cupcakes, but I wasn't about to be lured in by their "cuteness" it would be "just another cupcake".
Ryanne ordered the "Strawberry Dream", Sabrina and I went for "Mom's Favorite" (yellow cake with chocolate frosting) while
Melia went out on a limb with the "Sweet & Salty".
As we sat down, my mind was busy plotting our next stop and calculating the time left to shop before my 6:30
photoshoot. Carelessly, I wiped my tongue alone the edge of the frosting... the chaos in my mind stopped! It could only focus on one thing now, the creamy satin chocolate frosting that topped this little cup of cake!
I found myself twisting the cake back and forth wondering how could frosting be so velvety smooth and light and
luscious all at the same time. Like a toddler at a birthday party, I dipped my finger into the
decedent pile of
yumminess to have a closer look. My kids were talking to me but I couldn't here them, sweet music was playing in my ears!
Now this was worth all the cupcake fuss!
I could have left happy with just the frosting but it was simply "joy heaped upon joy" (that should be the name of their shop! I don't know what
Nomelie means but their cupcakes are "JOY heaped upon JOY"!! The cake was not simply a place to put the frosting but a moist favor filled treat! Sweet Perfection!
Now they probably thought I was plum crazy when I asked if I could take pictures of their tiny little
masterpieces, but I didn't care! These little beauties deserved to be photographed! I handled each one with loving care, searching for it's best angle, while desperately fighting off the urge to bite into each one.
I don't care where you live!! You must try these cupcakes!
Nomelie Cupcakes
19751 E. Mainstreet
Parker, CO
Keep in mind they are closed on Sundays!
M-F 10:00 - 6:00 or until the sell out