Last night was a very fun shoot! Kayla is 10!! and we took the evening to document this monumentous occasion!! We are talking DOUBLE DIGITS!!

We started off in Kayla's very cute street wear! (Love the one above!!)
And then we switched locations and "modes". Kayla's mom wanted to get some pictures of Kayla in her dance recital costume.
The beautiful sunset helped to make the photos extra special!!
It has been a sobering day as we look to the south and west and see the plumes of smoke rising from the Colorado Springs area. Many families have been effected by this and other wildfire fires in our beautiful State and my prayers are focused on their behalf. As I was looking at the many photos posted on the internet and I was reminded that this dying earth has nothing for us to cling too, we can do nothing but cling to Jesus and look forward to His return.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18