Well, Summer vacation is officially under way and this year I am trying to make the most of it. It seems that last year I spent a wee too much time working and not enough time playing with my girls, so... I have come up with a plan or at least stolen one from Pinterest.

On Monday morning... bright and early the girls and I headed out to meet Jill and her sweet boy, Matthew. It was time for his 6 month photo session. Did I mention that I spent the weekend in Breckenridge at our ladies retreat?! Oh my goodness, did Monday morning come early!
Matthew was sportin' this spiffy blue out fit to help show off his fabulous blue eyes. I would say that it worked like a charm. As with many 6 month olds, Matthew was not handing out the smiles, but I didn't mind because just look at how stinkin' cute this face is!!!
Doesn't he look like a rich billionaire???? I don't know why, but this is how I imagine rich billionaires look when they are babies!
After our shoot with Matthew the girls and I headed home for some "Girl Talk" and then we made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for "Make it Monday".
Today was "Take a Trip Tuesday" and we have a fantastic time at the Highland's Ranch Mansion, lunch at Freddy's, book browsing at the Tattered Cover and toy playing at Timbuck Toys! Phew!
It was a very full day!!
Now I am off to watch SYTYCD with my precious Melia!
See you soon!
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