Ah… aren't them cute!!! Yep! Today was McCay and Keein's 10 month shoot!!
I was very excited to use the sled that Talia got for me again!! And it was perfect for keeping those baby booties off the snow! Now if I only have one for my knees! BRRRRR!!!
I also took this opportunity to use Lauren's wagon! Maybe just maybe she will forget she loaned it to me! Well a girl can hope!
I have to honest today has been a bit of a weird day.
The first phone call of the day was from my brother saying that they had to call an ambulance for my mom this morning… I don't think I have mentioned that my dad is already in the hospital, he has been there since before Christmas.
Then I got a call from a friend that her daughter is suffering from a bit of a relapsed illness…
which was a bit unnerving.
A few hours later a text from another friend, who's husband was laid off and a lunch time visit from another friend,who recently was terribly hurt by the careless words of a person in leadership.
While working on an English paper, Melia asked "Mom, why is everything going so badly? Papa and Nana are in the hospital, your friend's daughter is sick again, I don't understand why so many bad things are happening?"
Boy… isn't that a question we often struggle to understand. Why?
And more times than not it is a question we can not answer. It is beyond our understanding.
I tired, as best as I could, to explain to a 10 year old something I don't completely understand myself.
Bad things happen, all the time. No one is exempt. We live in a sinful and fallen world.
But Praise the Lord, we have not been abandoned here. From the very beginning, Genesis 3:15 "He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." God in acted a plan of redemption and rescue from this place marred by our sin. He sent his son to crush the head of the serpent and to offer the gift of salvation, we need only to accept it. So simple.
Bad things happen to all of us. But for those who believe… we have the promise that God will never waste our pain. He will use to accomplish something good, whether in our life of the life of another.
This past four months I have had the opportunity to bask in the glorious wonder of God's lavish mercy. We deserve… yet He forgives and continues to work for good.
Hugs my friends.
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