Say "Hello" to Lincoln.
He is my current Gold Star Winner!!

WOW! What a happy and content little boy!!
I think I may have won Melia back over ; )
And this is his very handsome big brother… Brecken (Hopefully, I got that spelling right)
I love this photo of the two of them!!
Of course, Mom and Dad where there too...
and the pooch!!!
This was one of those shoots where it was hard to leave… generally the babies got tired and it clear that it is time to go, but not Lincoln! He just kept giving me one adorable face after the other.
Love Love Love this photo of Lincoln and his dad! His little hand of his chin and a great big smile.
Don't ya just wish you looked like this when you sleep!!!
I mean seriously!
Brecken was taking a few photos of his own!!
Yep, newborn shoot perfection!
Any exciting plans for the weekend? Not so much here at the Cooksey's. We hosted a graduation party for our sweet friend, Jaelin, last night. This mornings shoot was postponed due to sickness (what is with all this late spring sickness, I am not a fan). Maybe a trip to the pool before the rain blows in…
Oh and I am in complete denial that Melia is moving up to the Jr. High department at church tomorrow, there is no way my baby girl is old enough to be in JR HIGH!!!
Boo Boo face!
Already then… till next time!