Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a blessed day!
I had a great time at church this morning, manning the Welcome Desk, enjoying a yummy "spring panini" from the cafe', listening to an awesome message. Favorite quote of the day "It is so much cooler to walk on water during a storm!" Followed by grocery shopping with Sabrina. Now... everyone is resting (except me!) but it's coming soon!!
But first, I had to get Eve's sneak peek up!!
This was Eve's 9 month shoot… we decided to do this shoot at home, as she has struggled a bit with being out and about, and she was very happy and content in her own yard.

I am happy to report that we didn't have any run ins with the skunk that has made his home somewhere in their yard!
And we didn't run into the Bear that had knocked all the trash cans over!!
And, no snakes!
She's holding her "jewels", per her big sister, Hannah.
Oh my… I love that little toothy grin!
Super fun shoot with this little cutie!!
Until next time.