This very chilly afternoon I was with the Ryan family, I felt so bad for their little girlies, they were sooo cold, little Madeline's tears just broke my heart. So... we did our shoot in double time so we could get the girls in and out of the cold (Caleb was a trooper, I don't remember him mentioning the cold even one time).

This is my favorite shot of Caleb, I just love the twinkle in his eyes! Well, it's only 3 minutes until tomorrow so I'm going to sign off and catch a few hours of sleep before another busy day tomorrow. With lots of winter sessions coming up, let me encourage you to fully embrace the season in which you are having your shoot done. Winter photos are some of my favorites, but no one likes being cold so dig out the turtle necks, cozy sweaters, colorful scarves & mittens, even color coordinated jackets look great!! Until tomorrow!! cija