Sunday, July 10, 2011

Children's Photographer in Castle Rock, CO

 So if you read my blog then you know we currently have some roomies.  Matt, Aimee, Matthew , Isabel and Mia... this little beauty is Mia!!  I have been choppin' at the bit to take this little cutie's pictures and yesterday afternoon, minutes before the rain with lightening and thunder all around seemed like the perfect time.  (It was funny the neighbor kids had to go inside because of the lightening and I was dragging Mia and her mom out for pictures!!)

Well, it's true that cloudy skies offer nice even lighting!!
It's booming again out there... we just got home from visiting my buddy Jared who fell off his bike and broke his arm in two place and had to get stitches on his chinny chin chin!!  We didn't get to stay long because we had to commence "Operation Snickers Rescue"  poor little snickers was out in the rain. 
Now it feels like nap time, last night was a wild night of Nertz and far too much laughing!!!  Matt leaned over in church this morning and said every muscle in his body hurt and he was holding the extensive period of laughing responsible (it's true I feel like I did a whole bunch of sit ups, and we know that didn't happen!).
I prayed and prayed that Matt and Aimee would be able to come to Colorado for vacation this summer and was so disappointed when it looked like it wasn't going to work out, but true to form, God had something much much better in mind.  What a blessing it is to have our friends living with us!  
(I hope they never leave!!!)
Until next time! Cija

1 comment:

Aimee said...

aww Cija, we are so blessed to have you and Rod in our lives, Thank you Jesus..I love these pics and have to admit (no matter how old it makes me sound) I might have to take a small hiatus from our late nights, I am dying here ;)