Aren't they just precious! For the purpose of this post we will lovingly refer to them as Miss A and Mr C.

When I arrived Miss A was all sleepy and cuddly and ready to go, Mr C on the other hand was wide awake and had NO intention of sleeping through his individual photos!
But he was happy to comply when it was time for pics with his sister. I love this about twins they just seem to relax and cuddle with each other.
(I remember, one of them could be screaming and the other would be sound asleep.)

Meet mom and dad!! I feel pretty safe in saying that Rod and I did not look this put together after our twins were born!

Can I just say how much a love these little hats, Mom spied them on Pinterest and a friend of her mom made them. (Just love the pink bow on Miss A's!)
Seriously precious just look at their little hands... I'm in love.
I love this picture with dad... gives you a little bit of perspective (and yes... he got pee'd on!!)
Well, I am off to the grocery store!! Have a fabulous day!
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