Yesterday was the last day of fall break, unfortunately the first 4 days of fall break had been a bit stressful so while we picnicked at the Garden of the Gods of Monday the rest of the week the girls have been pretty much entertaining themselves.

So yesterday we set out to try and make up for it! We started off at the movies "Hotel Transylvania" very cute movie... I laughed a lot! We even got POPCORN and ICEEs!! I know we were down right CAH-RAZY!!!

Then we headed over to the Littleton Historical Museum where we just walked around, took some pictures and even got to see a baby cow! So sweet, reminded me of "Norman" in City Slickers! Then it was off to the park for my photo shoot with this fabulously handsome family!!
The sweet little boy in the basket is Brecken and he is only 1 month old!!
and below is his big brother, Nolan... he is 2 and 1/2!
Such handsome little guys!!
I just love Nolan's hair (I wish they could bottle that color!)
Kimberly and her boys... Nolan is giving Brecken a "Love Butt"
(pretty cute huh?!)
Go head you know you want to say it... "AHhhhhh....."
Funny... Nolan kept spreading his legs apart and Brecken would fall between so dad criss crossed the velcro on his shoes to hold his feet together! Brilliant!!!
Super fun shoot and I LOVED the bright colors of their outfits!! Don't be afraid to have some fun with color it LOOKS GREAT! As for the Cooksey's we wrapped up the night at the girl's favorite restaurant, "Panda Express". A fabulous day indeed!! Until next time.
WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! These turned out so amazing!!!!! Love the posed family
pictures of us in front of the fence and also the one of us in front of the lake where
Nolan is on Kyle's lap facing him. The newborn shots and pics of Nolan are
stand outs too!! The pictures looks so great touched up. Can't wait to see
the rest!
Hi, great pictures. Where were these taken? I love the fall colors.
thank you, these were taken at Sterne Park.
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