HELLO!!!!! I hope you all had a GREAT weekend! We sure did!

I kicked off the weekend with this SUPER fun shoot with Ainsley and her parents!!
Can you even stand the cuteness!!!!!????

Ainsley and her parents came all the way from Kansas City (I wish I could say it was just for me to take their pictures but in fact Carrie came to visit her BFF... Erin).
Ainsley was simply the happiest baby! So full of smiles!!
As for the rest of the weekend, we had a family movie night on Friday and with the bad weather on Saturday my shoots were rescheduled and we had total lazy day!!
I haven't done that in a REALLY long time!!
So on Thursday, they are having a Twilight marathon at the theater, it isn't an option for me because of shoots BUT!!!!! My gal pal Steph came over today and we watched the first two movies, Wednesday we were meeting again for the next two and on Friday we will hit the theater for the 5th movie!!!!
How fun does that sound?!?!?!? Pretty ding dang fun, huh?!?!
So the one below wins my Fave of the Day!!!
Can't you just picture her spottin' Santa!!
Alright, time to figure out dinner... BYE!!
1 comment:
Love the pictures of Ainsley & her wonderful parents! Carrie, you have an absolute doll!
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