I have a nasty little habit. One that drives me absolutely crazy! I have found the solution to my feeling worn out, stressed out and overwhelmed. I have tried it over and over again and have a 100% success rate and yet... I will go days with out taking advantage of this fool proof solution.

What is that? Seriously? What... is... that!!!!
Yesterday a friend and I started a Bible Study together, we curled up on my couch plugged in the CD and listened to the lecture as we filled in the blanks. Ah... there is just something about the Bible. I could feel all the stuff that had settled in the bottom of my heart start to stir, I was feeling energized and hungry for more! After the girls left for school, I couldn't wait to find a cozy spot to open the pages of God's word and just soak in it for a while.
When I take the time to turn my eyes back to the cross, on to the indescribable act of mercy and grace that Jesus preformed when He paid the penalty for my sins, my life is different. In every single moment it is different! To view this world and the circumstances that make up my day through the filter of Jesus's work on the cross changes everything!
As I sat in my chair, with my Bible on my lap and pondered my redemption, I remembered something that I wrote almost 4 years ago while reading through the Gospel according to John, and I felt compelled to share it here, with you. Some of you are my friends that come here and read my blog because you love me, others are customers who have become more than just client's who come here to follow my work and see what I am up too and other's of you may be here for the very first time. Looking for a photographer, someone to take pictures of your family or your new little addition and you are wondering what in the world I am going go and go about. I read in my study this morning that "God blesses one to bless many" and yesterday my friend read a quote from a book to me that said something like "please! use what you do for the glory of God". I am who I am and do what I do only by the grace and mercy of God, I want always for my focus to be on HIM and His Cross and I want you to know this wonderful Savior too! So tucked between the photos I want to do what I do for Him.
August 12, 2009
I was reading in John about the crucifixion the other night, when I finished, I thought, why is it I read that like it's not a big deal, I wonder why it doesn’t move me like it should. After journaling about it for awhile, I believe the Holy Spirit gave me the following thoughts. Ya know how when you hear on the news about a kid drowning and you think "oh how terrible, I can't image" and then you go right back to cleaning... but when you hear about a church member's child that has drowned you spend more time pondering what they must be going thru, you might send a card or make a meal for the family. But if your best friend's child drowned you would get in your car, sob the whole way over there, and cry out to God to help your friend. You would hold her, help her make phone calls, help her plan the service, sit by her at the funeral, and be with her in the weeks and months ahead, you would call her on birthdays and holidays to support her in her grief. Now, what if it was your child that drowned... your whole life would be devastated, you would be sick with intense grief; and yet the theme of this story is always the same... a child drowned. Why did one impact you more than another... it's the relationship. The closer the relationship the more it moved you. And then I realized how much more relationship I have to experience with God and Jesus, this is the closest I have ever been to God and Jesus and yet I realize how much more there is to experience in my relationship with him. I as grow closer to him, I can expect the story of the crucifixion to move me more and more.