Thursday, May 23, 2013

Newborn Photographer in Parker, CO

Earlier this week I got to meet this sweet little bundle of joy...  Allow me to introduce you to Zoey.
She is one month old and spent the first few minutes of our shoot together wide eyed and bushy tailed!

She has the sweetest little face...  I really do have the best job!

Oh my goodness, is this "Piggie Shot" the best!!!!  Look at those toes all spread apart! 
Brings a little tear to my eye. 
 Yum Yum YUMMO!!!

 I truly had a fabulous time on this shoot, I felt like I was at my best friend's house hanging out chatting while Sarah (aka = mommy) dealt with grass stains on baseball pants and
 I snuggled with her new baby. 
 Sometimes it just happens that way you show up at a "client's" house and find a friend waiting inside.  I love that about my "job", I don't just want to be your photographer, I want to be your friend and the Lord has been so gracious in me allowing me to share in the lives of sooo many wonderful people.  I truly am in awe of His sweet goodness.
 The photo below just might be my "fave of the day", I don't really have any words... I just love the way it makes me feel.  
 Ah... Life is Good!!!
Well, I am off!  Have a FABULOUS Thursday!!!

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