Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Photographer in Castle Rock, CO

So... how's the Christmas shopping coming? I thought I was doing so good until a friend mentioned that she was making Hot Fudge for the teachers!! Tomorrow is the last day before winter break and I totally spaced the teachers! Add to that my over achiever of a friend who is making them Hot Fudge in cute little jars (mind you she is going to use my recipe so I should get half the credit right?!) Hey that is a fabulous idea! She can just add my kids name to the card! Problem solved! Now back to business, yesterday I met up with Jerry & Michele. I had a really good time on this shoot, I don't get to do many couples and it really is one of my favorite things to do (as long as it's one of the cuddly kind of couples). I think Michele has the most beautiful "happy smile". Well... I'm off, I must stay on task! Until next time, I have a newborn coming today!! Cija


Anonymous said...

Jerry and I had fun at this shoot. Cija is just awesome! I adore these shots. Thanks again Cija! - Michele

Talia said...

You have another friend who made your hot fudge for her kids teachers on the same day?! Crazy!! Cause I know you are not classifying me as an over achiever. :P

These pictures look awesome. Michele is stunning. :)