Friday, March 8, 2013

Baby Photographer in Castle Rock, CO

Another sweet baby went and turned ONE!  
Why do they keep doing this to me!!!  They pull me in with their squishy little piggies, make me swoon with their precious expressions and then WHAM!  They turn ONE!
Emily!!!!  How could you!?!?
I can't stay upset when she is wearing those pink little puppy ears!!
And to that, the sweet expressions galore!!
I had a very difficult time choosing the photos for this sneak peek, Emily was turning out the cute expressions left and right!!!  So I had to go with a small sampling of all her cute little faces.

Oh my mercy!!!!  I just can't take the cuteness!!

And the award for "Best Boo Boo Face" goes to...

It's hard to believe when these kiddos are so cute they can grow up to be 8 and 9 year olds that really know how to push your buttons!!!  Yesterday afternoon, the girls and I had a less than stellar time.  They had made some bad decisions with the help of some persuasive friends that lead them straight down the path of direct disobedience.  I discovered the "evidence against them" while they were at school.  They had dishonored, disrespected and disobeyed me and I was loaded for bear by the time they got home.  It did not go well, I was... mad.  And I made sure they knew it, pointing out each and every indiscretion, they had broken my trust, they had hurt me.

 They screwed up.   

I screwed up.

Later that night after the turmoil had died down and my kids were in bed, I was left with a great sadness...  when I looked at my reflection from that afternoon with my kids, I did not see the reflection of Christ but rather the reflection of someone who modeled anger in my life.  As I confessed my anger and lack of self control,  I prayed that the Lord would continue the work He is doing in my life and root out every unclean way.  
Today, after Bible study I was chatting with a precious women who was struggling with her own kids, grown adults with kids of their own.  Our conversation set me on a journey of thoughts concerning the subject of parents and kids this afternoon. 

I Peter 4:8 says "Above all, love each other deeply for love covers a multitude of sins." 

I realized I must learn to love deeply, be willing to risk every bit of me to show my girls the love of Christ who risked it all for me. 

As I pondered this I began to think about how God pursues us, He is relentless in how He never gives up and always runs after us.  Then it occurred to me that He has to run after us because we are running away.  We turn our backs on Him, heck, even go as far as to deny His very existence and yet, He is still there running after us.   Our kids will break our hearts, disobey and break our trust just as we have broken and sinned against the heart of God, but like Him we must never tire of running after them.  Imagine the comfort that comes when they look over their shoulder and see us running after them, even after they have behaved so badly.    Last night my kids choices hurt me, my hurt turned to anger,  I yelled... I screamed... but by the Grace and Power of Jesus Christ I will pick myself up, dust myself off and I will run after my kids always and forever because I want them to see a picture of Jesus Christ chasing after them when they look over their shoulder to see if anyone cared enough to come after them.  

To be a great parent we must never stop praying and never stop risking it all for the sake of our kids, we may stumble into Heaven's Gates battered and bruised from the hurt of chasing after those who are running away but great will be our reward when our Savior who gave his life in place of our's says 
"Well done! My good and faithful servant!!"
XOXO, Cija

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