I hope you all had a fabulous weekend, frolicking in the snow!! Isn't that what we do... frolic in the snow? In fact... I would venture to say all our lives could benefit from a wee bit more frolicking!!
Our weekend was jam packed with activity! Friday night Rod and I enjoyed a night out and in, dinner out and a movie in. While Saturday and Sunday were filled with the kid's friends.

But before our weekend began, I had the sweet pleasure of meeting Kendra.
WoW! What a story this beautiful mommy to be has. I really just wanted to shove her in my car and take her to Starbucks and talk for a while longer, but something told me that might be a little weird or end with me being arrested for kidnapping, so I thought better of it.
I did, however, ask Kendra if I could share a bit of her story here with you and she graciously agreed. We have so much to learn from each other.
Kendra is 21 years old and expecting her first baby, a girl... Aspen Grace.
But here's the twist.
4 years ago, while skiing in Switzerland (her mom is in the military and stationed in Germany) her skis got crossed and she dislocated her knee. While at the hospital they discovered a tumor... bone cancer.
She received treatment, the cancer was gone... but it came back. Not once but four times.
Four times it came back and four times it has been treated and gone away.
Kendra has never made it a full year with out it returning.
Two months before her 1 year anniversary, she found out she was pregnant.
When she told me this, my mind was reeling. How does a 21 year old girl, face a pregnancy and becoming a first time mom wondering if her cancer has come back?
I share Kendra's story because I want to ask you to join me in praying for Kendra and for her baby Aspen. Kendra needs to be wrapped up in the arms of The Prince of Peace.
Dear Heavenly Father, I bow at your feet and ask that you would be Kendra's Prince of Peace, that she would rest in your arms as she faces these final weeks of her pregnancy. That you would hold her close and bring her comfort in this time of uncertainty. I pray that your would bless her and keep her that you would make your face shine on her and that you would be gracious to her, that you would turn your face toward her and give her peace. In Jesus' name. Amen
(Numbers 6:23-26)
My sister, Kendra, is the most amazing and strong woman that I know. I look up to her so much and can't wait to be an aunt to Aspen. I thank the Lord every day for my sister and the inspiration she is to the world and me.
There is nothing harder than watching your child fight, get knocked down, fight again, and continue to be knocked down over and over and know that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Kendra once told me that she thinks she understands why she was given this fate....because she is strong enough to handle it. I don't know if that's the reason why, but I do know that I've never met someone so full of life, love and joy in the face of such difficulties. I couldn't be more proud to be her mother and I pray that no matter what hand she is dealt, she continues to be steadfast in moving forward.
I love you, Kendra....we are all so very lucky to have you in our lives.
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