Okay, so a few months back I said I was going to post some "fun" pictures, tonight I decided to make that happen. I have no idea why I choose to do these things when I should be sleeping, but oh well! I am committed now! I hope you enjoy this little peek into the other side of my life!
This is Snickers. I lovingly refer to her as the "Beast", she is too cute! Actually, she is lucky she is cute, because this dog drives me flippin' crazy! She is so sweet and calm when it's just the Cooksey's but open the front door or have a guest over and look out!! She's a maniac!
I love this picture of Ryanne, sitting on the trampoline, just chillin'.
The huge moth was hangin' out on our door jam, I have to admit, it kinda grossed me out. The wings were b-e-u-tiful, but the body and legs... well, I was not a fan. So I am balancing on a chair over the porch stairs to get this pic, if this little creature had made a break for it, I would have gone crashing down. (I made sure Melia knew how to dial "911" before hand, just in case!
Miss Melia playing in the pool... what a great investment!! They loved this thing, but we really should have taken it down at the end of summer last year, the freezing and thawing did not go so well. We filled it up and it leaked to empty. Definitely getting a new one next year! They would swim every single day if they could!
Just hangin' out on a Saturday morning, playin' games. I love this picture of Ryanne, she is wearing my favorite night gown from when I was a little girl. Just precious, thanks for saving it mom (I am so not a saver).
Caught Miss Brina playing dress up, she is just the cutest witch ever!!
Another one of my favorites. This was taken at the aquarium in Corpus Christi, Tx.
I got home from a shoot one day this week and saw this beautiful moon and star when I let the dog in, I just had to grab my camera and take a shot. (Should have taken the time to switch lenses)
So a couple of weeks ago, my friend, Alina came over for a little Photography 101. After our little class we head out to see if we could turn "stuff" into "art"! It was fun to just play! In this picture, Alina was taking a picture of a daisy and a vintage suitcase.
In the garage, we played with Rod's VW engine. I have no idea what this is, but it sure looks cool!
This was my favorite shot of the day. I love playing with water in my pictures.
So, I am not very good with plants, in fact I was pretty sure I killed this last year, it was frozen solid. In the spring, I just cut it down to the ground and waited, and wah-la! It came back, with more flowers than ever!!
Well, that's it for now, I hope you enjoy a little detour from the norm. I will be back on Thursday with more "peeps"!! Nighty Night! Cija
love all these cija! what a fun post! i love the night shot, did you use a tripod and what were your settings if you don't mind? so were you teaching your friend or visa-versa?? how fun--wish i could've been there:) oh and how cool that your mom saved a nightgown of yours!! great work.
Night shot - no tripod. You would be surprized how bright the moon is, I played one night for about an hour just taking pictures of the moon, broke out the triod, super long exposure etc and found the best ones were with faster shutter speeds (500 etc for a full moon), this particular picture was ISO400,F2,1/100. As for the Photo101 class, I was teaching, she had just scored a new digital camera and need some help with the basics, but it was fun to dust the cobwebs off and just have some fun. Thanks Juli and thanks for commenting. Comments just make me SMILE!
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